Friday, August 20, 2010


It has been a long time since I've been to the ile, so I was very glad to see my osha family again as we met together in an art exhibit held by our sister-in-osha at Penguin Cafe, Makati. The exhibit which consisted mainly of artful, Zen-style photographs of fire is apparently dedicated to her Baba Orisha, Shango. Baba Shango seemed to be very pleased, as later in the event a West African music ensemble came by to perform, drumming and dancing its way into the cafe, which pleasantly surprised most of us and left the artist almost tearfully happy for the rest of the night.

Fuego! Poster

Performing the Gahu of the Ewe people

UP Kekeli Drum and Dance Group, led by Royal Hartigan

The daughters of the Lord of drum and dance join in

So many people have come to the exhibit, so we took a chit-chat break outside. 

Maferefun Shango!

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