Friday, July 16, 2010

Necklaces for the Gods

Bought these lovely pieces of magical jewelry from a lone merchant somewhere along Taft avenue. These were reasonably priced, and the merchant ("Bongbong") told me that he makes custom items too. There were a lot more cool looking stuff that I saw - like a rabbit's foot, wild boar tusks, and a dreamcatcher made from the tail of a stingray. Unfortunately I didn't have enough money to get some more. I needed something to wear in the ileocha so I've chosen the ones which remind me of certain orishas.

[L to R] preserved scorpion with carnelian (Oshun Ibu Ikole), shark's tooth pendant (Oggun / Yemaya), skull and serpents (Santa Muerte), buffalo horn dreamcatcher with amethyst (Oya / Oggue)

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