Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Elemental Tools of High Magic

My Golden Dawn-inspired ceremonial magick elemental tools and the Enochian Holy Table. This is the first time I photographed them altogether. Now that I thought of it, they kinda look like toys.



  1. no way!

    they look incredible!
    by looking at them I can tell a lot of hard work went into creating them.

    To The Great Work!

  2. Creativity like that is inspiring. Now I am thinking about how much fun it has always been to create new tools - and about looking like toys... sure, the play things of IAD-SA ;o) LOL They do look great, and I agree with Phil - looks like you put real effort into making them; Such an expression must bear good fruit for you ;o)

  3. Gee thanks! Unfortunately I barely do any high magic stuff now so I actually spent more time making them than using them. :D

  4. the wand, is that your fire wand?

  5. Yes. Though it does not exactly conform with HOGD specifications.

  6. May I know how did you made all the Magic Implements starting with the Earth Pantacle I need the materials and where to find them since it is a problem for me to find these stuff here in PH...

  7. The pentacle and the Tabula Sancta were made from wooden zen candle stands I bought from SM department store. I had to remove the little wooden legs for the pentacle.

    I bought the wand at Mt. Banahaw, at a little sari-sari store on the way to St. Lucia falls.

    The dagger is actually an army knife, which I bought from a sports shop (Toby's, I think).

    The cup was given to me by a friend.

    These are all painted with acrylic, then painted with a glossy finish.
