Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Art of Ritual Making

Lights of inspiration.

Although  it was mostly geared towards beginners, it's nice to hear about ritual from a classroom perspective. As a practicing Pagan I'm used to doing rituals as catalyst for inner change, but it's interesting to learn from the other participants (comprising of a doctor, a mother, a teacher, a businesswoman, among others) on how necessary and helpful ritual is in their everyday lives.

A pleasant surprise of the day is meeting a fellow member from the OBOD whom I have made contact with a few weeks ago. He has been in the Order for quite a number of years since he joined in the Netherlands. He's been asking around the officers for any other member of the Order from the Philippines and got my email address. We've been exchanging mails ever since, but it was only a day before the seminar when I found out that he is actually friends with the seminar instructor. Small world indeed! He dropped by after the seminar for some chit-chat and brought some veggie pancit as well which was perfect grounding food after all those rituals.

Ms. Leah Tolentino opening the seminar in ritual.

Ms. Arlene,  from the Asian Social Institute, talks about indigenous ritual in the Cordillera mountains.

My little artwork from one of the activities.

Participants in the seminar.

Some stuff around the venue, Bahay Ginhawa

Basbasan Nawa!

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