Friday, September 2, 2011

Something Is A-Brewing...

What's wonderful about keeping a blog is that not only do you save memories, you can also keep track of yourself.

While I read back through my blog, wincing and cringing from from self-embarrassment from some of the old posts, I realize that I am almost no longer the same person who have written those posts anymore. -- I changed. Which is a good thing. Probably.

But I guess that is to be expected. Being Pagan and all. And this being my fourth personal website already.

And so the blog must change as well. I am thinking of rewriting some of the old posts while some, I shall readily dispose - like something nasty I left in the living room while I was drunk. Here's hoping that my writing be more practical, less romanticized, and more true to myself.

Besides, this blog is so due for a makeover.

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