Friday, October 28, 2011

Welcome to My New Elemental Blog

The four elements

It's simpler, sleeker, and the best thing of all - the photos are bigger. Now it is easier to skip my prattle and just look at the photos - sometimes they tell the stories much better than my writing.

Also, one of the more important changes is that the categories have been streamlined and divided into four themes corresponding to the elements. Fire for matters of the spirit, Air for the study of magic, Earth for mundane pursuits of pleasure and Water for my emo-moments. Not only does it make my posts easier to classify but with this I might be able to see which of my four elements - body, mind, spirit and emotion - has been taking too much a big slice of the elemental cake. This is, after all, primarily a personal journal.

Have I been too busy pursuing materialistic happiness rather than spiritual contentment? Or have I been too focused on spirituality that I am no longer able to see the mundane realities?

Have I been too focused on scholarly studies that I have become an unfeeling intellect? Or have I been letting my emotions throw logic out of the window and fully take control of my actions?

Aggripa's pentagram man

It shows that the four elements can actually be a useful guidepost for living and not just esoteric stuff that Wiccans enumerate as points on the pentacle.

Thank you for your interest and time in visiting my blog. Whether we know each other or not, whether you are Pagan or not, whether you agree, disagree or do not give a hoot on what I write - I send you my blessings.

Basbasan Nawa!

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