Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Day of Art and Food

A visit at Pintô Art Gallery with my Osha family, folks from the US embassy, and some real artists. Just what I needed to grab that paintbrush once again and attempt to come up with something looking like art. I could lounge on this sofa/giant feminine napkin all day. Hmm...many pieces on display seem to be 'acquired tastes' for me. Goofing off at the studio Eric acts like a comic. Tony Perez and US embassy officer Joe Tordella Yes, we are. After hours of ogling at art, we took our lunch at The Crescent Moon Cafe (runned by ceramic artist Lanelle Abueva-Fernando) followed by sumptuous desserts at Vieux Chalet. With great food and a relaxing ambiance, these places are perfect spots for weekend R-and-R's. A cloudy afternoon view at Vieux...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

On Cozy Mornings

Peace and calm and the wisdom of the I Ching. Perfect with my morning tea....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Celebrating Litha - Asian Style

Here are some photos I took from this year's Litha ritual with the Philippine Wiccan Society led by Gaia-ambassador Ishilta. Though we've had bonfire rituals before we have never been this close to the fire. We ended up sweating gallons and smelling like 'uling' but the ritual was immensely uplifting - and physically detoxifying. Basbasan Naw...

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