Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maferefun Yemaya!

Being a child of the lord of iron is tough. I am blessed with bountiful ashe, yet I feel compelled to spend it all. Constantly I must think, move,...create. I cannot stop: I must only become tougher than the obstacles ahead of me.

The fire of industry is ablaze inside me and I would have been entirely consumed by it if not for my madre orisha Yemaya, to whom I am grateful for creating a space in my heart for love of all things gentle. She among many things has taught me that some things need not be acted upon directly, they are left to grow, trusting upon the powers of nature to nurture them into fullness of being. You may be son of a warrior, she told me once, but to win battles is not always a glorious thing: to surrender pride is by itself a feat of great strength.

On my way home after a hard day's work, I look up to the moon and feel a sense of calm, and I know that I am in my yeye's soothing embrace.

I thank you for your comfort, guidance and wisdom. Feliz santo mi madre. Maferefun Yeye.

As a child of Baba Ogun I work hard night and day, and when I tire, my Yeye lifts me up and cuddles me with her warm embrace.

* Today, September 7, is the feast day of Yemaya, Orisha of the moon and the seas.


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