Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Dance of Oya

The Dance of OyaAcrylic on Canvas Board11" x 17" Beautiful, fearsome Oya. She stands between light and darkness. Her skin is the color of the blackest night. She raises her arms heavenward, Stirring up the winds and summoning forth the storm, Her face blank and emotionless, her mouth wide open, uttering a silent cry, her legs are twisted as if in ecstasy. Death lays upon where she walks. Moddu pue Oya. Hekua hey Yansa! Basbasan Na...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Morning Offering

This morning I invited my landlady's house-cleaner in for some coffee. But after taking a glance around my apartment she politely declined and smiling shyly, took nervous steps backwards away from the door. I wonder why. The flowers are so pretty. Basbasan Naw...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Crystal Workshop with the Crystal Goddess

I must admit that I'm not really into crystals; but still I consider myself very lucky to have attended this private workshop conducted by the crystal queen herself, Riza Regis. Her books are actually among the first literatures that I read on the subject of magic, along with Tony Perez's, who incidentally came along with us to participate in the workshop as well. The activities were not only fun to do but will also prove very handy. My favorite must be the one where we express different aspects of ourselves through dancing. I was a bit shy at first but after a while I just let it all go and went with the flow. The skrying and channelling sessions were interesting too, and in fact I came up with a very curious-looking artifact after tapping...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Hex on You!

The tiger has come, and I shall face the ferocity of the tiger's year with the strength and boldness of the eagle. A goat like me is basically tiger-food, so the Chinese horoscopes say that the first few months will be tough. The recommended feng shui was too darn expensive however, so I had to resort to some good ol' American magic from the other side of the world and counter the hex with a hex. Hex signs are not only magical but they also add color to a place, which my drab, ancient-looking, dust-bunny laden room sorely needs right now. Hexcraft is associated with the Pow-Wow or Hexerei tradition of magic of the Northeastern United States. This oral tradition was limited to a small, isolated community called the Pennsylvania Dutch people...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Milk, Candle, Cross and Cradle

Little Ms. Biddy and her wand in bed,and a cross to keep us safe from harm.Some bread and milk to keep her fed,and smoke and flame to keep her warm. Paving the Way for Ms. Bridget Today is Imbolc and the star of the season is Brighid: thrice-blessed goddess of the Sun and keeper of the sacred flames. In countless years she has reached cultures far and wide, taking many forms and known by many names: from the quaint island of Eire to the great empire of Rome, to the perilous New World and to our beloved home. She is mother of high wisdom, and watcher of home and bed, admired as Christian saint and feared as queen of the dead. This Sabbat I revere Brighid, the Celtic triple-goddess of poetry, healing and smithcraft. It may seem inapt for a...

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