Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm back. (I hope.)

Last year, I worked a spell to overcome my internet addiction, and while it did wonders on the quality of my life - having had less screen time and more real time - it sort of backfired at me: my personal emails have become a spammy mess and my blog has been catatonic.  I also discovered Instagram, which has become sort of my mini-blog, and which is why you shall see more of these grainy photos from now on since it's a lot easier to carry a phone than a big-ass SLR camera. Some friends also began to think that I had decidedly become a 'cowan' and left the magical life entirely. LOL. Silly friends. I am magic. The local occult/pagan community seems to have quieted down anyways so there are quite a few events to write about....

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