Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve Witchery

While mother and sister were busy preparing dinner for media noche, I busied myself as well with new year's eve chores of the pagany sort. I was able to do a lot of stuff with my old stock of cinnamon and clove and half a dozen oranges. Our house was filled with the sugary-sweet smell of citrus and spice as I made some old-fashioned glühwein (mulled wine) as first libation to the spirits for the year. I first got a taste of glühwein when I visited a German-themed Christmas market some weeks ago at the Mall of Asia. I found it quite odd-tasting at first but have gotten to like it after a few sips. My glühwein happily ended up tasting just as good as the one sold at the Christmas market. I decided that this shall be my official...

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