Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My Birthday Me-Day

I remember my childhood and teen years as a very long episode in my life. And I remember them quite vividly: the street games, the aratiles tree, the scary old neighbor, and especially the "Broom-Of-Doom" my mother used to hit my butt with after some misbehaving. The communication boom happened during my late college years and after that, life just kept on getting faster and faster, shorter and shorter, and the memories of the years that followed became hazier. We, urban people, now spend a huge part of our waking hours looking at screens - cellphone screens, computer screens, TV screens - and when we look at the real world, we are not really seeing it - we are too busy thinking about something else. The ease of communication made us use more...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pagan Pride Day! Part Two

Christian Fernandez is a proud Pagan. Go ahead, burn me at the stake. (But please don't use gasoline it's bad for the ozone layer.) -- Facebook status on Pagan Pride Day, September 18, 2010 So the first Pagan Pride Day ever to take place in the country finally came to pass, and I am absolutely joyful to have taken part in it. To describe my experience in one word, it would be 'justfuckingwow'. (Sorry, I really could not not use an obscene expletive to describe it.) I had only really intended to take photos of the ceremonies. But when the sound of the flute and the rhythm of the drums began to play and the Pagan audience (plus a few others) joined the stage performers in their dancing, I couldn't help myself from joining the Pagan kin into...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

An Hermetic Guide to the Hebrew Single Letters

I found this lying around in my old hard drive. I think this would be quite a useful reference for those studying the hermetic path of the Golden Dawn or the O.T.O., as it was for me during my days as high(-nosed) magician. I made this as a wallpaper for my cellphone, so that I could memorize the correspondences easily. This is just a table of the 12 single-Letters and the astrological signs assigned to them. Knowing these as well as the rest of the Hebrew letter correspondences is essential to learning the teachings of the Golden Dawn, and makes understanding the writings of Crowley a whole lot easier. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't have been able to even begin reading Liber ABA - that venerable tome of magical philosophy second only in...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pagan Pride Day!

The first Manila Pagan Pride day. Glad to be part of this little history. Proud, Not Prideful Interesting that it should be called Pagan 'Pride' day. If there's one thing that would keep the entire Pagan community from coming together, it's pride. Whether online or in person, Pagans clawing at each others' throats is such a common scene in the community that we ourselves have come up with an endearing term for it: Witchwars. I have been moderating five Pagan groups in the past decade, and I have inevitably and unfortunately gotten my hands dirty several times cleaning up and being involved in such mess. Many of us have seen it all before: long-winded and pedantic arguments among "intellectual" Pagans battling it out for the Most Arcane...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Maferefun Yemaya!

Being a child of the lord of iron is tough. I am blessed with bountiful ashe, yet I feel compelled to spend it all. Constantly I must think, move,...create. I cannot stop: I must only become tougher than the obstacles ahead of me. The fire of industry is ablaze inside me and I would have been entirely consumed by it if not for my madre orisha Yemaya, to whom I am grateful for creating a space in my heart for love of all things gentle. She among many things has taught me that some things need not be acted upon directly, they are left to grow, trusting upon the powers of nature to nurture them into fullness of being. You may be son of a warrior, she told me once, but to win battles is not always a glorious thing: to surrender pride...

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Prayers for the Hostage Victims

Different in creed, but united in prayer. Some friends and I dropped by at the site of the hostage taking incident today. I'm not sure what was more depressing: seeing the site of the incident itself, or seeing people having their pictures taken in front of the flowers and condolence signs faking a sad face, doing sexy poses, or otherwise smiling gleefully as if they're in a vacation spot. I could only let out a sigh of disappointment while wondering what in all the seven hells of the Qlipoth those people were thinking. The agnihotra ceremony we performed at the temporary memorial site must have attracted dozens of onlookers and stopped several passing vehicles. I didn't bother to look but I could tell by how frequent cameras were flashing...

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